Read about some of Dr. Chipty's policy work here:

CRTC 2019-57: Review of Mobile Wireless Services
Dr. Chipty was the expert for the Canadian Competition Bureau in the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission’s review of the state of competition in the retail wireless marketplace in Canada. Dr. Chipty submitted econometric evidence measuring the benefits of additional competition among wireless service providers, by exploiting cross-sectional variation in the number of wireless competitors in different regions of Canada. Listen to Dr. Chipty’s live testimony before the CRTC here.

Challenges to Australia’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Act, WT/ DS441/ DS435
Dr. Chipty was an expert for the Government of Australia in World Trade Organization challenges brought by tobacco exporting countries, including the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Indonesia. Dr. Chipty submitted a series of econometric reports evaluating econometric evidence on the impact of changes in tobacco packaging on smoking prevalence and cigarette consumption in Australia. Citing heavily to Dr. Chipty’s work, the Panel and the Appellate Body found that the Plain Packaging Measures were consistent with the WTO obligations governing public health restrictions. Read about the expert debate and the decisions here.

Mexican Competition Authority Review of Airport Slot Allocations
Dr. Chipty was an expert for Aeromexico in a review of airport slot allocations governing aitrafficce to and from Mexico City Airport, conducted by the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE), the Mexican antitrust commission. Dr. Chipty coauthored a white paper studying the relevant issues, that was submitted to COFECE.

AMC and AHT Vaccine Incentive Design
Dr. Chipty advised the working groups of the Advanced Market Commitment (AMC), an initiative of the Gates Foundation to provide appropriate market-based incentives to induce capacity investments by the major pharmaceutical companies to manufacture pneumococcus vaccine for low-income countries. This work led to subsequent work with Accelerating Health Technologies (AHT), a working group of economists and statisticians working on the problem of how to accelerate widespread access to vaccines and other health products to address COVID-19 and future pandemics. Dr. Chipty’s work with the AHT was published in Science.